When my coach and I were dating, I coined the phrase
“I love you when we win, and even more when we lose.”
I smile now each time I tell him this. I don’t even know that I ever fully explained it to him, but here’s what I mean:
First, it’s always we. Especially when it’s a loss. As lonely as we feel as coaches' wives sometimes, I know that our guys feel just as lonely, and this saying is a way of reminding my guy that he is never alone. In the moments of vulnerability and embarrassment, it’s always we. When he feels unlovable because of everything else around him, I want to remind him that I still and always will.
When the scoreboard shows a loss
When the community is up in arms about a tough decision
When a standout gets injured
When a guy you’ve been mentoring hangs up his pads
When you lose the big one
When the staff is asked to step down
When life at home seems overwhelming
When our own children feel left out
When there’s no gas in your tank at the end of the week
When the plays you’ve been installing just don’t work
When that alarm goes off at 5 am for the third time in the off-season
In the highs and lows, hell or high water, I love you when we win, and even more when we lose. It’s always we.